Selamat datang di petilasan Dukun Komputer....Tempat Nongkrong para Blogger

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Kode Control / CTRL yang digunakan pada Firefox

Mungkin Para bos udah kenal yang namanya Mozzila firefox...........nah saya punya tips supaya merasa ebih  berselancar di firefox jadi enak alias mudah bin siiip.........hehehe
ni dia catatan* bisa dpakai bila bos sudah ada pada jendela firefox..(ya iyalah)]

CTRL + A Select all text on a webpage
CTRL + B Open the Bookmarks sidebar
CTRL + C Copy the selected text to the Windows clipboard
CTRL + D Bookmark the current webpage
CTRL + F Find text within the current webpage
CTRL + G Find more text within the same webpage
CTRL + H Opens the webpage History sidebar
CTRL + I Open the Bookmarks sidebar
CTRL + J Opens the Download Dialogue Box
CTRL + K Places the cursor in the Web Search box ready to type your search
CTRL + L Places the cursor into the URL box ready to type a website address
CTRL + M Opens your mail program (if you have one) to create a new email message
CTRL + N Opens a new Firefox window
CTRL + O Open a local file
CTRL + P Print the current webpage
CTRL + R Reloads the current webpage
CTRL + S Save the current webpage on your PC
CTRL + T Opens a new Firefox Tab
CTRL + U View the page source of the current webpage
CTRL + V Paste the contents of the Windows clipboard
CTRL + W Closes the current Firefox Tab or Window (if more than one tab is open)
CTRL + X Cut the selected text
CTRL + Z Undo the last action

Siiip Selamat mencoba Booos

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